One of the things I’m passionate about is my team. Our staff culture is a big deal to me. Every...
Before You Make Your Next Staff Hire... Think About This.
As a leader, especially if you're a lead pastor, here’s one thing I know you’re always thinking about… your team. Do you have the right people? Are they in the right seat on the bus? Here is a thought that has shaped our hiring process at Milestone Church.
Look for people who are thinking—”Who am I called to build with?”
During the interview process, most people are thinking, “What will I be doing? How much will I get paid? Where do I want to live?” In Ruth 1, we see a clear picture of spiritual family—people building together. Ruth tells Naomi, “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” It’s a biblical pattern we see over and over. God divinely brings people together who form a lifelong relationship for His glory and purpose.
Be patient with the process—wait for the one you know you can build with (and can build with you) over the long haul.
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