Momentum is a funny thing. There’s an ebb and flow to it, especially in the summer months. I meet a...
The 3 Greatest Threats To Your Staff
One of the things I’m passionate about is my team. Our staff culture is a big deal to me. Every Wednesday our entire staff comes together for a time of worship, prayer, and coaching. It’s in these moments that I’ve shared wins, next steps, and even things that concern me. As you think about your staff, I want you to consider these three issues that I believe threaten the health of your church or organization.
1. Disunity on your team
This is tough. Leaders have opinions. I’m not afraid of opinions, but when opinions are coated with sarcasm, then it’s time to address it. Sarcasm reveals where your team is, and the deeper issue is disunity. I could say a lot here, but the best wisdom I could pass on to you, for the people you lead, is this: get involved. If you're a lead pastor, get your spirit on your team. Make sure they understand the why, and if they don’t, explain/frame/shape it until they do.
2. Dilution of vision
A good rule of thumb is this: If the staff is hazy on the vision, the church will be completely confused. If your executives don’t understand the direction, the rest of the staff will be completely lost. There’s a trickle down effect to vision, and when there’s a lack of clarity at the top of your organization, you can bet there’s even more dilution throughout all the layers of the church. When you think people are sick of hearing it, they’re actually just beginning to get it.
3. Personal discouragement
This is so big. As pastors and leaders, we have a tendency to hide our personal discouragement. Admit it. If you’re the chief communicator, chief vision caster, chief whatever—you’re the tip of the spear. You’re going to face resistance; there will be winds that blow. Sometimes you have to encourage yourself (see 1 Sam. 30:6) and lean on the encouragement of others. This is where covering is so key. Who do you have in your life that you lean on? Who can you be completely honest with? If you don’t have pastors who are pastoring you, that’s a red flag. Some quick steps you need to take if you’re discouraged:- Be honest with yourself
- Be honest with God
- Be honest with others
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