Simple Ways to Generate Momentum
Momentum is a funny thing. There’s an ebb and flow to it, especially in the summer months. I meet a lot of pastors who are riding the emotional roller coaster of gaining/losing momentum in their churches. I’ll never forget one Sunday shortly after launching Milestone Church. I was preaching in a middle school cafetorium (a cafeteria with a stage) when the A/C went out. The entire place smelled like fish sticks and vienna sausage. I was sweating through my 3-piece suit and when we opened the doors for ventilation a dog ran down the center aisle (true story).
After questioning some of my life choices that week, I realized there were some things we could do to encourage our church when we didn’t feel like we were making any forward progress:
After questioning some of my life choices that week, I realized there were some things we could do to encourage our church when we didn’t feel like we were making any forward progress:
Share Stories
Don’t let your identity hang on the weekend attendance. Find the stories in your church of salvation, healing, and life-change and share them in your message, on social media, and in your staff meetings.
Pro tip: This summer look for stories from your kids and youth ministries.
Pro tip: This summer look for stories from your kids and youth ministries.
Share Impact
We have a tendency to overlook what’s happening through local outreach. It’s powerful when you share all the ways people in your church are serving their city, meeting needs, and caring for those who need it the most.
Share Opportunities
Summer is the perfect time to build your Serve Team/Dream Team. People are always looking to get connected, and serving is an easy way to get plugged in. It’s amazing when people discover their gifts and begin to use those gifts to serve others.
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