Growth Track: Our Three Step Process

2025 Leaders Gathering Breakout: Our three-step process an why we have doubled-down on the third step.

Growth Track Steps



Growth Track Steps Leaders Gathering Breakout Download (3)








Do you take a break during the summer or do you continue the Growth Track in the summer? Growth Track runs the entire year! We used to take July off but we've found that so many people are moving to our area in the summer, that we have full classes even in July.
Does the lead pastor teach each class or is it just Discovery 101? Typically, our Lead Pastor teaches Discovery 101, the Serve Team Pastor teaches Serve Team 201, and Values 301 is taught by 7 different pastors. This allows the participants to get to know more staff members.
If 101 is during your last service, who teaches the 3rd Sunday service if the lead pastor teaches the class? Our 12:30pm service is a video service each week.
Do people have to attend 101, 201 & 301 in order? No, people can attend the Growth Track classes in any order.
Do you provide childcare for 101 and 201? Childcare is provided for 101, 201, & 301.
What is your retention/progression rate between 101 to 201 to 301? 70% of 101 participants attend 201 & 301.
How do people self-identify their interest in next steps? They have the opportunity to sign up for next steps at the end of each Growth Track class See 101 & 201 Form in Downloads. See the Values 301 Next Step Form
How many people on average sign up?

How long do people typically attend your church before starting GT, and how long does it take them to complete?
The average sign-ups vary by month and class. About 70% of our registrations actually attend. Most people complete the GT in about 6 months. Since our Values 301 is only offered 5 times per year, it takes a little longer to get through the entire track.


What resource do you use for 101? This is our Discovery 101 booklet.
Do you take pictures of everyone who attends Discovery 101? Yes, we take pictures as part of the check-in process of Discovery 101, once a guest receives their name tag for the class. We don't take pictures of first-time guests, we only take pictures at Discovery 101.
How do you respond to objections to getting a picture taken? We explain why we take pictures - helps us serve people better when we can connect a name and face. If they still object, we ask if we can take a picture of their name tag so we know they were at the class. We don't force anyone to take a picture.
What is your process when someone receives Christ in 101? We ask everyone who made a salvation decision to raise their hand. They get a response card handed to them. The table connectors walk them to our Pastoral Care table at the completion of the class so we can have a deeper conversation and ensure follow-up.
In Discovery 101, do you have people partner with your church at the end of that session in a formal way? Is there a membership covenant? At the end of Discovery 101, all participants have the option to complete the Milestone Membership Agreement. It is also an option at the completion of our third step, Values 301.
Is giving a prerequisite to joining the church?  No, giving is not a prerequisite. 


What resource do you use for 201? This is our Serve Team 201 Booklet.
If the steps can be out of order… can someone start serving who hasn’t completed 101? Technically, yes. But the minute they complete the Volunteer Form requirement, we receive a notification and invite them to attend Discovery 101. Additionally, several Serve Teams require the completion of the entire Growth Track to serve—Small Groups, Worship, Milestone Kids etc. For some teams a requirement to serve is completion of the Growth Track within 6 months of joining the team.
What spiritual gifts assessment do you use? The Spiritual Gifts assessment we use can be found in the Serve Team 201 Booklet.
Is your spiritual gifts assessment on paper or digital? The gifts assessment is paper, within the Serve Team 201 Booklet that all attendees receive.


What resource do you use for 301? This is our Values 301 Booklet.
What happens when someone misses one of the 7 Value classes? Participants need to attend 3 of 7 to be considered as completing the class. If they miss the class we encourage them to read the corresponding chapter in It's Worth It 2.0.
Is a meal served at all 301 classes? We serve pizza the first night of 301. The remaining weeks have snacks, coffee, and water.
Do you run different tables for 301 small groups at the same time? Or is everyone there together in one group? Each Values 301 class includes a 30 minute teaching with a 45 minutes Small Group time. Groups sit at round tables to listen to the teaching together. So the room is full of different Small Groups all listening together.
When does Values 301 happen? We offer Values 301 on Sunday or Monday nights. We launch a 7-week class in January, March, June, August, & September.
Do you have a list of the minute to win it games you find are the most fun in the V301 group setting? Here is a list of games we use in 301.
What is the main things you look for to pair up people for groups Our goal is to match life stage. So we focus primarily on the ages of the adult and kids (if applicable).
What do people do after they’ve completed the growth track? We utilize this Values 301 Next Step Form to help each person with their next steps.

What happens with the group after the 7 weeks?

Does the group continue meeting?

If so, who is leading?

Our 301 groups that are staying together either discuss the weekly sermons (using provided Message Discussion Guides) or participate in the campaigns (if the correct time of year). The Growth Track Team meets with the Small Groups Team at the conclusion of each class to support the transition. Additionally, the campus Small Groups pastor attends the last night of Values 301 to meet with each group staying together. If the groups continue, a participant from the group steps up to lead it beyond the class.
If you were starting fresh in a younger church, with volunteers, how would you scale it down to get started? All of our campuses run the Values 301 play, regardless of size. They may only 3-4 Small Groups in the class, but the same play is run!
What’s the incentive for someone to go through 301 if they can serve on a team and are a member? Finding friends! This is the environment where you find people to walk out your faith with! Additionally, several Serve Teams require the completion of the entire Growth Track to serve—Small Groups, Worship, Milestone Kids etc. For some teams a requirement to serve is completion of the Growth Track within 6 months of joining the team.
After someone goes through 301, can they be a leader of a team now?  Completion of Values 301 is the stepping stone to several leadership positions. Team Leads and Small Group Leaders are an example.


Do you offer Freedom or the equivalent how often? We offer Freedom twice a year - Summer & Fall


Do y’all have any type of follow up process for guests or next steps for people who watch online who might not be local and try to connect with them? 1. They can text us, and our Online Campus Pastor will have a personal conversation to serve them and give them a next step This could be to help them find an online small group or go through Growth Track online.

2. If we receive a Connect Card that indicated they are a part of the online campus, our Online Campus Pastor sends an email to them thanking them for being a part, asking about their story, and offering possible next steps for the individual.


How do you track an individual's progress through growth track? We use our Growth Track People Board to keep track of all progress and next steps for each individual. To learn more, see the People Board Overview, or the People Board Breakout Notes.
Where do you get their stories and what is the process for getting those and do you store them in your management software? Our Table Connectors at 101 & 201 provide us with notes from their conversations - See Table Connector Notes in Downloads. Additionally, we talk with the participants in the Discovery 101 line to meet Pastor Jeff.
Was there ever a time when Milestone didn’t have a room on Sunday morning for Growth Track? If so what did you do? Yes! At the beginning Discovery 101 was held on Sunday afternoon/evening because the Worship Center had to be flipped to host the class. At our set up/tear down campuses, they hold the class after all services have finished because they have to use the same space.
Do you invite youth to attend the Growth Track? Youth can attend Discovery 101 and 201. Values 301 is 18+ due to the Small Group component.